We advise strict due diligence to all platform users before committing to a transaction!

How to Create an Account

Our Customer Support Team are on hand to offer you any direct support you may require. But you can also explore our FAQ page for answers to the various commonly asked questions.

Not all users require an account to be able to use our platform


We use the terms Agency and Brokerage interchangeably on this portal.

Agencies need to have an account on our platform  to be able to upload and manage their properties.

They are, however, encouraged to create their accounts through our Web Admin for the account to display correctly as an agency account. Click here to navigate to the Agency Registration page.

We use the terms Agent and Broker interchangeably on this portal.

Agents must be create an account to be able to upload their content. Like agencies, agents are encouraged to create their accounts through our Web Admin for the account to display correctly as an agent one. Click here to navigate to the Agent Registration page.

Property managers that deal with advertising the properties that they manage and wish to upload them here need to create an account too to be able to logon.

They can do this directly on the front end of the portal without having to contact our Web Admin since they do not charge property seekers commission fees for their service. 

Property owners with small property portfolios tend to prefer to handle their properties advertisement by themselves. They need an account to be able to log on.

They too can open and manage their listing accounts directly on the front-end of our portal without going through our Web Admin.


Prospective property-seeking tenants do not need to register/create an account unless they intend to use some additional functionalities on our website such as saving their property searches, receive listing updates from us, or rate listings/listers.

Searching for properties on our portal is completely free of charge for everyone.

Similarly, prospective property-seeking buyers do not need to register/create an account unless they intend to use some additional functionalities on our website such as saving their property searches, receive listing updates from us, or rate listings/listers.

Searching for properties on our portal is completely free of charge for everyone.


Creating an account on our platform should be a pretty straight forward process. However, just to be sure, we have prepared written as well as video instructions below in case one may require a step by step guide:

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