Our Customer Support Team are on hand to offer you any direct support you may require. But you can also explore our FAQ page for answers to the various commonly asked questions.
Our Customer Support Team are on hand to offer you any direct support you may require. But you can also explore our FAQ page for answers to the various commonly asked questions.
Uploading a property takes a few easy but important steps. Users are urged to follow these instructions very strictly because doing it incorrectly will adversely affect the search results for your property. There would be no point in listing a property if the search function of our platform wouldn’t return it.
Before starting the property upload process, have the pictures of the property ready on whatever gadget you are using. Read our picture-taking guide at this link for tips and hacks.
For PC users, this button is on right-hand side of the navigation bar. Mobile device users need to click on the Profile icon (the red circle with a little head inside of it) at the right-hand corner of the navigation bar at the top of their device screens. Clicking it will expose the Create A Listing button in the pop-up menu.
(1) You have to be logged in to access the Create A Listing page, otherwise you will be prompted to sign in or to create an account if you don’t already have one.
(2) The Create A Property page is arranged into 10 distinct sections and each section calls for different information. Only fill in fields that are appropriate to the property you are listing and leave the rest blank. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk symbol (*) and a property will not be accepted unless all such fields are filled in.
The top most section on the Create A Listing page is the Description Section. There are four mandatory fields here:
(1) Property Title,
(2)Property Category,
(3) Status, and
(4) Property Type.
All of these must be filled in, else the form will not be saved. Follow this link to the FAQ page to learn more about property categories and types under Properties Categorisation.
The Content section is not mandatory but that does not mean it is less important. This section is where you offer a brief description of your property and is your chance to engage the curiosity of potential customers. Show that you care about what you are advertising. Write about it accurately, but with love and care.
Do, however, keep it brief, honest and straight forward. Read our guide on how to describe your property to prospective customers by clicking on this link.
This is a pretty straight forward section. It has four fields with only the Sale or Rent Price field as mandatory.
Do not get confused about the Second Price field. Only use it if the property is listed as both For Sale and For Rent or For Leasing.
As for the Duration of Charge or Unit of Sale for Multiple Units field:
i) the Duration of Charge this is useful for rental or lease properties. Just write day, week, month or year to imply daily, weekly, monthly or yearly, respectively. Please do not add the word (per) or its forward slash equivalent (/). The website will take care of that.
i) the Unit of Sale for Multiple Units bit is useful for one advertising multiple units or a bulk unit that is breakable in smaller component units. Say one is advertising a block of land 640 Acres large. If they have only indicated a price for each acre, it is fitting that it displays as, say, 1500000USh/Acre. To achieve this, they only need to add (Acre) in this specific field for the website to display it as desired.
The default currency is UGX and displays as USh on the website. Select from the dropdown menu a different currency if you wish to list your property in that particular currency.
There are two confusing fields here:
(1) the Property usable space area – this refers to the total surface area of a property (e.g. the total available area of a business premises). The default units are in square feet (sqft); change them to whatever you are using, e.g. square metres (msqr). Only fill this in if you are sure about what you are doing.
(2) the Land Size/Land Area on the other hand refers to the size of the plot on which the property sits. It too is expressed in square feet (sqft).
In both cases, you can use the traditional way of expressing a plot size as, say 50 feet by 100 feet (50 x 100) ft and you can still use it here. You should, however, not write the units in the same field as the figures (digits). Enter, say, 50 x 100 in the digits field and square feet or sqft or whatever units you are using in the provided units field.
Finally, the more attributes field is really provided to allow you more room for describing your property. Leave blank if you so choose.
Properties are all about location. Fill in the location fields with care. Observe that the Country, District/City, Town, and Area fields are all mandatory. Spell names correctly to get good search results.
The District field is mostly useful for remote places where area names may not be commonly known.
For roads with no known official names, you might want to be creative and, say, use name it by the two majorly known towns it connects. For example, Lukalu-Gombe Road. That is sufficient to provide a seeker some idea of the property location.
The more information you provide your potential customers, the higher the conversion rate. A map adds perspective to a verbal description of a place. It also saves you a lot of words in describing the location.
We do have one problem though: Uganda does not have a proper addressing system for mapping applications to rely on. But all is not lost. We can still circumnavigate the problem by:
(1) Use our map in this section to zoom onto the exact location of the property and drag and drop the property pin over the area. You will need to have a good idea of where the place is on the map. As a tip, use familiar landmarks such as major towns and roads.
(2) Use the link provided at the top of the MAP section, follow the steps described in (1) above and then copy the Latitude and Longitude values that correspond to the place of interest and fill them into the provided fields, still under this section.
This section is really self-explanatory; just tick all the boxes that correspond to the attributes of your property.
If there are features that you think we have missed, kindly drop us an email here so we can add them.
The MEDIA section is also self explanatory. A single image data size should not exceed 12MB (12000kb) and the image should not be smaller than 1440 x 900 pixels in area.
Take good pictures of your property to provide your prospective customers a good idea of what it looks like. Refer to Follow this link for more details about taking good pictures.
It is useful to explore all possible tools of presentation especially for premium properties. There is absolutely no harm in providing a video tour of a property to your target audience.
Please be informed that our website is unable to accept direct video upload. In order to add a video of your property, you need to upload it to a video streaming platform like YouTube first and then copy the link into this section. If you don’t have one, it’s perfectly alright to leave this section blank.
This section offers 4 options including one where you are able to hide your contact information. We do, however, take the view that there is absolutely no point in advertising a property if you cannot be contacted by prospective customers about it.
Names of Agents and Agencies registered with us appear in two of the four given options in the form of drop-down lists to allow them to quickly select a contact choice. If you are an agent/agency but are not registered with our Web Admin, your name will not appear in the list. Please follow this link to register. The process is free and allows you some extra functionalities reserved for agents and agencies only. There are also regulatory requirements meet since agents/agencies operate by charging their customers a commission fee.
All non-agent/agency property advertisers should select the AUTHOR INFO option. We highly recommend against the DO NOT DISPLAY option as it will make it impossible for your prospective customers to contact you.
This is the final section before submitting a property. It has three fields and unless you want your property to receive priority promotion as a featured one, you may as well just skip the whole section.
We highly recommend against barring unlogged on users from viewing your property. It will adversely affect your reach.
If you are listing the property on behalf of another person, say if you are an estates manager or an agent/agency, you might like to put some information down in form of a disclaimer to limit possible liability. Otherwise, just skip the field.
You are now all set to submit your property. Please check to verify that you filled in all the sections correctly. In the event that your submission gets rejected by the system, guiding information about the nature of the encountered error will be displayed. Correct the errors and resubmit again.
Good luck doing business with us.
Video instructions coming soon
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